How Much Needed to Start a Bowling Alley?
Source: | Author:Oasisbowlingpart | Published time: 2024-04-17 | 32 Views | Share:
Although owning a bowling alley can be a rewarding and enjoyable business endeavor, it can also be very intimidating. How much will it cost, and where do you start?

An outline of the necessary considerations and estimated costs for opening a bowling alley is provided below.

How Much Needed to Start a Bowling Alley?

Although owning a bowling alley can be a rewarding and enjoyable business endeavor, it can also be very intimidating. How much will it cost, and where do you start?

An outline of the necessary considerations and estimated costs for opening a bowling alley is provided below.

Beginning, Permitting, and Operating Expenses

When opening a bowling alley, the first thing you need to think about is the numerous administrative costs. These consist of business registration fees, taxes, license fees, and all other expenses associated with government paperwork. There's also the matter of financing. Having funding secured is essential before starting your project.

These costs can differ significantly depending on your geographical location. The usual cost of establishing a business in the United States is often a few hundred dollars, plus an additional $1200 annually for insurance. Depending on the size and configuration of your alley, you could have to pay more for insurance because bowling alleys can have more expensive coverage.

To aid in your launch, you should also consider making a website and running advertisements. A website may be purchased for less than $100, but hiring an expert to build one will likely run you several thousand dollars. And there will probably be a few thousand more for advertising.

When you start earning money, taxes are another thing to consider. When you start producing money, corporation taxes can undoubtedly add up. Initially, they won't effect you too much. You risk being in serious financial trouble if you don't carefully include such in as operating expenses. 

Location, Location, Location

This is most likely your largest expense, and it might change significantly based on several aspects of your company. The same financial problems arise for those who create home bowling alleys, but these individuals are usually not attempting to operate a commercial bowling alley. Where will your alley be opened, and will you be constructing it from scratch or leasing an already-existing space? 

Renting an existing space will almost certainly result in far lower expenses. If you intend to construct a bowling alley, however, the initial costs will undoubtedly be significantly more. The benefit is that you might be able to build it in a more advantageous spot with greater traffic! Getting measurements is crucial when renting a space. It is crucial to consider giving the bowling alley builder or architect information on the location and spacing of columns and posts within the facility.

What will be the size of your bowling alley as well? A three-lane alley will be substantially smaller than a thirty-lane alley, thus square footage is a significant expense that you must consider. To account for the size of the lane as well as the other rooms and features you'll need to incorporate with the business, we estimate that you'll need a minimum of roughly 1,000 square feet per lane. 


Therefore, you will most likely require at least 8,000 square feet if you intend to develop an eight-lane restaurant. It is possible to rent a building for $15 per square foot in certain locations and $40 in others. Usually, bowling alleys can't sustain themselves just from bowling sales. As you may have observed, a lot of bowling alleys now provide meal options, bars, game rooms, laser tag, and other forms of income. To determine the typical cost per square foot, you should research the area in which you plan to open your business. You should then be able to calculate an approximate estimate of your monthly rent by multiplying that figure by the total number of square feet you require.

Of course, unless you're relocating to a place where lanes already exist, you'll also need to budget for the cost of actually building the bowling alleys. Adding more building will undoubtedly raise your initial costs significantly.

Essential Tools for Starting a Bowling Alley

You also need to consider the other equipment that is used in your bowling alley business in addition to the area and lanes. Among the equipment you'll need to buy are pinsetters, lighting, shoe rentals, scoring boards, and bowling balls.

The estimated costs of your equipment vary depending on whether you choose new or used. The estimates for each lane typically range from $13,000 to $30,000. That is a substantial amount! The cost per lane will also depend on the quantity of lanes. A 16-lane center will be less expensive per lane than an 8-lane alley. The expense of construction may also raise the price.   

Find Out More About Lanes for Bowling!

We would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have regarding how to open a bowling alley, what constitutes a good bowling alley, or anything else bowling-related!

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries or worries. Our goal is to give you the greatest information and guidance about bowling that we can!